Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Kulon Progo Regency

Kulonprogo Regency  is one of the four regencies of the Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. The name stems from the fact that it is located at the west (in Javanese kulon) of Progo River. The capital is Wates. It is located about 30 km to the west of of Yogyakarta  and separates Sleman regency and Bantul regency on the east. On the north side, it borders with Magelang regency. On the west side, Purworejo regency, and on the south side, it opposites to Hindia Ocean.

Regency of Kulon Progo lies on the west side of Yogyakarta on 7°38'42" - 7°59'3" South Longitude and 110°1'37" - 110°16'26" B East Longitude.
The area of Kulon Progo regency is 586,28 km2. It consists of 12 districts, 88 villages and 930 sub villages. It is popular with its hills almost on its side. One of them is hill of Menoreh.
Its beauty is a potential asset to be maintained and improved. Tourism in Kulon Progo regency is one of many assets besides farming, handicraft, and traditional foods.

Kulon Progo regency was once divided into two regencies, Kulon Progo regency and Adikarta regency that was a part of Pakualaman. In 15 Oktober 1951, Kulon Progo stood it self.
Before the war of Diponegoro in Negaragung, including Kulon Progo, there was no one who was in charge in that area. At that time, the government was run by someone in Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat (Yogyakarta). 
After the war of Diponegoro in 1825-1830 in Kulon Progo area, there were four regency areas:
· Regency of Pengasih in 1831
· Regency of Sentolo in 1831
· Regency of Nanggulan in 1851
· Regency of Kalibawang in 1855 
On September 5, 1945, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX and Sri Pakualam VIII issued that their areas, Kasultanan and Pakualaman were kingdoms and special province of Indonesia. In 1951, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX and Sri Pakualam VIII considered to unite Kasultanan which were Kulon Progo and Kabupaten Adikarto. Accordimg to the agreement between Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX and Sri Pakualam VIII, the central givernment issued UU No. 18, 1951 declared on Oktober 12, 1951 and officially issued on Oktober 15, 1951. This laws regulated about the change of UU No. 15 1950 about to unite Kulon Progo and Adikarto in Yogyakarta area with one regency named Kulon Progo that later has the right to run its own government. Therefore, the anniversary of Kulon Progo is on Oktober 15, 1951.

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