Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mount Lanang Religious Resort

Do  not ever think  of Mount Lanang as just any mountain as high as  500 m above sea level, with cool air, huge trees here and there, and green surroundings. The mountain, which is situated in Bayeman area, Kulon Progo  Regency, is actually a mound containing high amount of sand or like a small  hill at a coastal area in which huge typical-barren-area trees grow. The  placement of trees on the surrounding of the 500 m2 hill looks quite neat. There  are scattered leaves which cover Astana Jingga, a yard on top of the hill used  for holding certain rituals.

Also  known as  Astana Jingga or Badraloka Mandira, the place is more famously known as Mount Lanang.  The word “lanang” is a Javanese word which means “male” That is due to the  history of the hill as a place where a nobleman from Ancient Mataram meditated.

The name Astana  Jingga means a palace which radiates a yellowish red beam.  And as for Badraloka  Mandira, it refers to the fact that the building is made of brick and grandiose  (badra). The name was given due to people’s belief that the mountain has the  power of bringing good fortune or spiritual inspiration. This place is used by  people to perform some ascetic practices such as tirakatan (night vigil),  ruwatan (exorcism ritual), or meditation. From upon the hill, you can see the  Southern Sea (Indian Ocean) which is so blue  and vast stretching from east to west as if without end.

People  believe Mount Lanang  has a power to bring them good fortune. It can be  like good carrier or success  in business. People who come for this kind of purpose are mostly from town,  even outside of Yogyakarta such as Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Solo,  and Surabaya.  They are expecting to get some fortune from the sacred place. Moreover, in the  yard there is a well whose water is believed to have curing power for various  illnesses.

Besides  being a  place for meditation, there is also often held some kejawen (Javanese beliefs)  rituals, especially on the night of 1 Suro. On that day, there is usually held  Ruwatan Agung Tumapaking Laku Suci ceremony.  In addition to the local people,  many people from outside Wates come to take part in the mass ritual.

Before  performing  the ritual, it is suggested that the participants pass a purification process  for both physical and mental called sesuci. Sesuci  is done by taking water from  the Tirto Kencono well to clean the face. Afterward, participants must prepare  their mental in Sasana Jiwo by praying or reciting kidung pambuko, so that God  will protect them throughout the ritual.

Next,  they would  enter Sasana Sukma and Sasana Indra which are located in Astana Jingga yard.  Sasana Sukma is a Javanese-lettered stone inscription standing upright  resembling a flower bud at the center of Sasana Indra. The area of Sasana Indra  is bordered by a terraced pentagonal (fence); which faces south. Here, the  ritual participants perform their deepest meditation in a natural tranquility  with submission, full concentration, and sincerity focused on God Almighty.

Finishing  meditation, the participants would go back to Sasana Jiwo to perform prayer or  recite kidung panutup as an expression of gratitude to God. Often, after the  mass exorcism, a puppet show is held all night long. Then next morning, the  people would continue the ceremony with labuhan ritual, in which they set  adrift some nail cuts, hairs, and clothes into the Southern Sea from the shore  of Glagah Beach.

Mount Lanang lies 4 km west of Glagah  Beach ticket booth in Bayeman, Sindutan Village, Temon District, Kulon Progo  Regency, Special Province of Yogyakarta. To visit Mount Lanang,  first of all you must get to Glagah Beach in Temon District,  Kulon Progo. You can use your own vehicle or go there by bus if departing from Yogyakarta City.

From  Giwangan Bus  Station in Yogyakarta, finding a bus heading  for Wates is the first thing you will have to do. The bus fare is Rp 10,000 and  you will get to Wates Bus Station in 45 minutes. Soon as you are in Wates Bus  Station, you should change buses for Glagah. The bus trip will likely take  another 15-20 minutes and cost Rp 5,000 each person

Meanwhile, if you  take your own vehicle, from Yogyakarta you just  have to head westwards through Jogja-Wates  Street  and take about 40 minutes. In Wates, you  will easily find road signs showing the way to Glagah Beach.  At the ticket booth of the beach, there stands a road sign right at the  T-intersection. The sign directs you to Mount Lanang Religious Resort, which is  another 4 km away.

Visitors  will have  to pay Rp 1,500 to get to Glagah Beach Tourism Area. For those taking  motorcycle, there is an additional charge of Rp 1,000 while for car is Rp 1,500

There  is no charge  anymore after that. But it is recommended however, that visitors spare some  alms for the custodian of the sacred place, Mbah Pawiro Suwito. Mbah  Pawiro Suwito  will guide you to perform some rituals in the sacred mountain. He will prepare  the offerings and other things needed for the  rituals.

You  do not need to  worry about inns and food stalls because Mount  Lanang is close to the famous Glagah Beach.  In the beach, there are hostels or  cheap hotels with tariffs ranging from Rp  15,000 to Rp 25,000 a night in general. As for eating places, you will get food  like nasi rames (rice mixed in with various accompanying dishes), chicken  noodle, Padang food, and also seafood easily  along the road to Glagah Beach.

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